
Олимпиада по информатика- 2024
25 Апреля 2024
21 апреля прошел завершающий тур Олимпиады по информатике, в которой приняли участие школьники 10-11 классов.
Олимпиада по математике - 2024 (Минцифра УР)
7 Апреля 2024
6 апреля (суббота) 2024 года УдГУ при поддержке Минцифры УР была проведена Олимпиада по математике среди школьников 7-11 классов в рамках проекта «ИТ-вектор образования».
Олимпиада по математическому анализу - 2024
27 Марта 2024
С 15 февраля по 18 марта на базе Удмуртского университета прошла олимпиада по математическому анализу среди студентов всех курсов и направлений УдГУ в заочной форме.
Олимпиада по физике - 2024
24 Марта 2024
Олимпиада УдГУ по физике для обучающихся 10-11 классов состоялась 23 марта 2024 года в очном формате.
Олимпиада по математике - 2024
17 Марта 2024
16 марта 2024 года в очном формате состоялась Олимпиада УдГУ по математике – 2024 для обучающихся 10-11 классов.
Competition in mathematical analysis 2023
17 Мая 2023
An academic competition in mathematical analysis was held for undergraduate and graduate students at all departments of the Udmurt State University from February 20 to March 20.
2023 informatics competition
17 Мая 2023
The concluding round of the informatics competition, in which 10th and 11th grade high-school students took part, was held on April 23.
Competition of research papers on mathematics and information science written by secondary school students
15 Мая 2023
From January 1 through March 20, 2023, a competition of research papers on mathematics and information science was held among 10th and 11th grade secondary school students.
Competition in physics - 2023
6 Мая 2023
On April 8, 2023, an in-person physics competition was held at the Udmurt State University among 10th and 11th grade secondary school students.
Small University IMITiF UdSU
29 Апреля 2023
Within the framework of the Institute of Mathematics, Information Technologies and Physics of the Udmurt State University (UdSU), classes in mathematics and physics were conducted for 10th -11th  grade high-school students and high-school teachers.
2023 mathematics competition
7 Апреля 2023
The 2023 mathematics competition was held on March 11, 2023 in an in-person-format at the Udmurt State University for 10th – 11th grade high-school students.
Mathematics competition for 7th – 11th grade high-school students under the auspices of the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Udmurt Republic
16 Марта 2023
A competition in mathematics was held on March 15 for 7th-11th grade high-school students at the Udmurt State University under the auspices of the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Udmurt Republic.
2022 Tournament in Commemoration of A.B. Voronetskii and D.K. Voronetskaya
10 Ноября 2022
The 20th Republican Mathematics Tournament in Commemoration of A.B. Voronetskii and D.K. Voronetskaya  was held from November 3 to November 9, 2022, for 9th-11th grade high-school students.
Competition in mathematical analysis
18 Марта 2022
An academic competition in mathematical analysis was held for undergraduate and graduate students at all departments of the Udmurt State University from February 15 to March 10 with the assistance of the Ural Mathematical Center.  
2022 mathematics competition
15 Марта 2022
A competition in mathematics was held for 10th and 11th grade high-school students on March 12, 2022, with the support of the Ural Mathematical Center of the Udmurt State University.
2022 mathematics competition
22 Февраля 2022
UdSU Olympiad in Mathematics - 2022 for schoolchildren of grades 10-11 will be held on March 12, 2022 in full-time format.
Olympiad in mathematics among schoolchildren (grades 7-11)
20 Февраля 2022
The Mathematics Olympiad among schoolchildren of grades 7-11 under the auspices of the Ministry of Informatization and Communications of the UR will be held on April 16, 2022.
Olympiad in informatics
18 Февраля 2022
We invite schoolchildren of grades 10-11 to take part in the Olympiad in Informatics! The qualifying round is held from 1 to 31 March.
Tournament in memory of A.B. and D.K. Voronetsky
In 2021, the XIX Republican Tournament in memory of A.B. Voronetsky and D.K. Voronetskaya in mathematics among schoolchildren of grades 9-11.
The Olympiad "Luch" in mathematics
In 2021, the Olympiad "Luch" in mathematics was held among schoolchildren in grades 6-8.
Educational courses
Within the framework of activities of the Ural Mathematical Center, two educational courses were modernized in 2021.
Advanced training
Within the framework of activities of the Ural Mathematical Center, advanced training courses were organized in 2021 for mathematics teachers.