
Kalashnikov-Technofest 2024

The 4th robotics festival entitled "Kalashnikov-Technofest" has come to a close. It was held in Izhevsk under the auspices of the Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University, the Udmurt State University and the Kalashnikov Academy.

The Kalashnikov-Technofest has become not only a place for demonstrating achievements in the area of robotics, but also a place for communication and exchange of experience between the participants and specialists in this field. A total of 400 high school and university students from 10 regions of Russia participated in the event, namely, from the Udmurt Republic, Moscow, Moscow Region, Leningrad Region, Sverdlovsk Region, Novosibirsk Region, Tyumen Region, the Republic of Marii El, Tatarstan, and the Krasnodar Region. They presented their robots and contended in 8 disciplines.

The organizers pointed out a high level of competence of the participants and great interest in this type of equipment. The festival provided a perfect opportunity for young specialists and students to show themselves and to find like-minded persons.

  1. League LEGO-robots — combats between remotely and autonomously controlled mobile robots assembled of Lego blocks.
  2. 42 teams of school children (5th- to 9th graders) from institutions for additional and additional professional education participated in the competitions.

    Results of the competitions (between remotely controlled robots):

    1st place: the team ``TOBOT’’ (Economical and Mathematical Lyceum No 29, Izhevsk);
    2nd place: the team ``R2-D2 29’’ (Economical and Mathematical Lyceum No 29, Izhevsk);
    3rd place: the team ``GL’’ (Economical and Mathematical Lyceum No 29, Izhevsk).

    Results of the competitions (autonomously controlled robots):

    1st place: the team ``DmiSaIl’’ (Economical and Mathematical Lyceum No 29, Izhevsk);
    2nd place: the team ``Triton’’ (Children’s Creativity Center, Udmurt Republic);
    3rd place: the team ``1000-7’’ (Economical and Mathematical Lyceum No 29, Izhevsk).

  3. League 2 (not LEGO) — competitions between mobile robots with overall dimensions of no more than 30 cm and with a maximum weight of 2 kg, assembled of original self-engineered parts or construction kits (except for LEGO or its analogs).
  4. 31 teams of high school students (7th to 11th graders, students from institutions for additional and additional professional education, university students and students from specialized secondary schools participated in the competitions.

    Results of the competitions (remote control):

    1st place: the team ``BEADLAB’‘ (Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University);
    2nd place: the team ``Young Technician Station’’, Ustinov district, Izhevsk);
    3rd place: the team ``A-spy’‘ (Kalashnikov Academy).

    Results of the competitions (autonomous control):

    1st place: the team ``BEADLAB_AUf’‘ (Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University);
    2st place: the team ``Industrialny 2’‘ (Dragunov Industrial Technical Secondary School, Izhevsk);
    3rd place: the team ``Rotor’‘ (Udmurt State University).

  5. Figure skating of robots — competitions of robots which are designed and programmed to move along curvilinear trajectories and to perform complex maneuvers. The time and precision of motions along the trajectory given in analytic form are assessed.
  6. 6 teams of senior high-school students and university students participated in the competitions.

    Results of the competitions:

    1st place: the team ``NikOl’‘ (secondary school No 80’‘, Izhevsk);
    2nd place: the team ``Robovista’‘ (Izhevsk);
    3rd place: the team ``Electronics’‘ (Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University, Izhevsk).

  7. League of combat robots — combats aimed at annihilating robots up to 1.5 kg in weight, assembled of original self-engineered parts.
  8. 21 student teams participated in the competition.

    Results of the competitions:

    1 place: the team ``We have paws!’‘ (Innopolis University, Innopolis);
    2 place: the team ``CML-Bots’‘ (Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg Polytechnical University, Saint-Petersburg);
    3 place: the team ``Team72th’‘ (Voronezh).

    In addition, the team from Kazan ``Destructor’‘ was awarded the prize of spectators’ sympathies, and the team ``Guests from Fryazino’‘ and the teams ``Wolframe Lite’‘ and ``Yarovit’‘ from Novosibirsk received special presents from the organizers.

  9. 5. Drone racing — competitions of pilotless aerial vehicles.
  10. 90 operators participated in the competitions. They piloted pilotless aerial vehicles along a route with obstacles.

    Results of the competitions (Drone racing mini):

    1st place: Timur Mukhametov (educational state institution ``Youth Palace’‘, Children’s technological park ``Quantorium’’, Yekaterinburg);
    2nd place: Maxim Mezrin (educational institution ``Young Technician Station’‘, Ustinov district, Izhevsk);
    3rd place: Grigorii Karachev (Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University).

    Results of the competitions (Drone racing):

    1st place: Fedor Sokolov (Kalashnikov Academy, Izhevsk);
    2nd place: Artur Serebryakov (Kalashnikov Academy, Izhevsk);
    3 place: Nikolai Pilin (Kalashnikov Academy, Izhevsk).
  11. Figure air navigation — programming of the motion of multirotor pilotless aviation systems for autonomous passage of complex trajectories. The speed of flight and the precision of the flight path were taken into account.
  12. 9 teams of high school students, students of institutions for additional education, university students and students of secondary special educational institutions participated in the competitions.

    Results of the competitions:

    1st place: the team ``521’‘ (Volga State University of Technology, Yoshkar-Ola);
    2nd place: the team ``Sbus’‘ (Kalashnikov Academy, Izhevsk);
    3rd place: the team ``Faculty of Physics and Technology’’ (Kuban State University, Krasnodar).

  13. Throwing of simple glider models with a wing span of at most 450 mm.
  14. 38 students of institutions of additional education participated in the competitions.

    Results of the competitions:

    1 place: Konstantin Chirkov (Palace of Children’s and Youth Creativity, Izhevsk);
    2 place: Lev Chuvashov (educational institution ``Young Technician Station’‘, ’‘ Ustinov district, Izhevsk);
    3 place: Zufar Shagigaraev (center for personality development ``Unikum’‘, Izhevsk).

  15. Polytechnical competitions — development of a robotic device using resources provided to the participants. The following was assessed: the skills of 3D-modeling, designing and 3D-printing, soldering of radio elements, work with measuring and fitter’s tools, knowledge of electronics, electrical engineering, programming, and development of algorithms.
  16. 17 teams of high-school students (7th to 11th graders) and first-year students of secondary special educational institutions participated in the competitions.

    Results of the competitions:

    1 place: the team ``Castor wheels’‘ (Kalashnikov Academy, Izhevsk);
    2 place: the team ``SYUTUR’‘ (educational institution ``Young Technician Station’‘, ’‘ Ustinov district (Izhevsk);
    3 place: the team ``As always, into the last car’‘ (Kalashnikov Academy, Izhevsk).

Also, the jury picked out the best participants in additional nominations:

  1. Nominations ``For Reliability’‘ — the team of the state autonomous institution of additional education ``RIO-Center’‘ (Tyumen);
  2. Nomination ``For the Will to Win’‘ — the team ``Engineers’‘ (children’s technological park ``Quantorium’‘ Yekaterinburg);
  3. Nomination ``Special Prize of the Jury’‘ — Team Spectra (Kalashnikov Academy, Izhevsk).

We congratulate the participants in the competition and their teachers and wish them success in robotics and other areas of engineering creativity!

More detailed information on the program of the event can be found on the official website of the festival or in the VK group.

Score-sheets of the competitionsheld during the festival.

The festival was supported by the Foundation of Presidential Grants within the framework of the national project "Science and Universities".