
Conference on Integrated Systems and their Applications

From September 11 through September 15, a conference entitled Integrated Systems and their Applications" was held at the Mathematical Center of the Sirius University.

Among the participants in the conference were Russian and foreign experts in integrable systems and geometry.

Among the speakers were representatives of the Ural Mathematical Center: I.S. Mamaev, head of the Ural Mathematical Center (“Tensor Invariants in the Dynamics of Nonholonomic Dynamical Systems”), leading research worker at the Ural Mathematical Center А.А. Kilin (“Integrability and Chaos in the Dynamics of an Inhomogeneous Disk with a Nonholonomic Constraint”), chief research worker at the Ural Mathematical Center I.A. Bizyaev (“Dynamics of Bicycle Rollers without Control”).

The aim of the conference was to develop existing contacts and to establish new ones to get international experts and young scientists involved in promising research on geometry and topology, dynamical systems, and other related branches of mathematics.