
13th All-Russian Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics

The 13th All-Russian Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, one of the oldest and greatest scientific events of the country, took place from August 21 through August 25 at the Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg Polytechnical University, where it was held for the first time. Scientists of Russia and post-Soviet countries participated in the congress.
The congress is held once every four years and unites specialists in mechanics: theorists, experimentalists, specialists in numerical simulation, and manufactureres. As always, the congress was initiated and organized by the Russian National Committee for Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The focus of the congress was on problems concerning the development of modern technologies and introduction of promising developments prepared in Russia. Topics of much current interest in the area of fundamental mechanics and its applications to medicine and high-technology industries were discussed. These topics included the designing of supersonic passenger aircraft, projects of development of railway transport, development of new materials enhancing safety and high-precision navigation devices, as well as other relevant problems in mechanics.

Among the participants in the congress was also our team of scientists from the Ural Mathematical Center of the Udmurt State University. Ivan Sergeyevich Mamaev, head of the Ural Mathematical Center of the Udmurt State University, gave a talk entitled "Nonlinear Acceleration in Nonholonomic Mechanics" (I.S. Mamaev, I.A. Bizyaev) within the framework of the section "General and Applied Mechanics".

In the subsection "Analytical Mechanics and Stability of Motion", results of joint work were presented by Alexander Alexandrovich Kilin , a leading research worker at the Ural Mathematical Center, and Elena Nikolaevna Pivovarova, a senior research worker at the Ural Mathematical Center, who gave talks entitled "Dynamics of an Omnidisk with one Nonholonomic Constraint" and "Rolling of an Ellipsoid on a Vibrating Plane", respectively.