2-8 июня 2024 г. проводится 9 -я Международная конференция «Геометрия, динамика, интегрируемые системы» на студенческом курорте «Ratko Mitrović» в Златиборе (Сербия).
22 декабря в Уральском математическом центре на базе Удмуртского государственного университета был организован цикл лекций по теории динамических систем с приглашением ведущих ученых.
An international scientific conference entitled "Regular and Chaotic Dynamics" will take place from November 27 to December 1 at the mathematical center “Sirius”.
An autumn school of robotics “Modern Methods of Robotics and Control Theory” will be held from November 13 through November 18, 2023, at the Sirius University with support from “Rosatom”.
A school for young mechanicians and mathematicians was held from October 2 through October 6, 2023, at the Steklov Mathematical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
С 21 по 25 августа в Санкт-Петербургском политехническом университете Петра Великого (СПбПУ) впервые прошло одно из старейших и крупнейших научных мероприятий страны XIII Всероссийский съезд по теоретической и прикладной механике.
From July 18 through July 20, a workshop on the geometric theory of optimal control was held in the Ural Mathematical Center at the Udmurt State University.
The 13th international summer scientific workshop “High-Speed Hydrodynamics and Shipbuilding”, dedicated to the 160th birthday of Academician А.Н. Krylov, will be held from June 26 to June 29 at the Chuvash State University.
The 3rd international open scientific and technical festival of robotics “KALASHNIKOV-TECHNOFEST” will take place in Izhevsk from February 3 to February 12. The festival will be held on three sites: Kalashnikov Ishevsk State Technical University, Kalashnikov Academy, and Udmurt State University. The festival will be supported by the Foundation of Presidential Grants and the Ural Mathematical Center.
On December 23 and December 26, a course of lectures on the theory of dynamical systems was organized by the Ural Mathematical Center at the Udmurt State University.
On December 19 and December 22, a course of lectures on the theory of dynamical systems was organized by the Ural Mathematical Center at the Udmurt State University.
A school for young mechanicians and mathematicians was held from October 3 through October 7, 2022, at the Steklov Mathematical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
The International Committee together with the Robotics group in Innopolis University are pleased to announce the Third International Conference «Nonlinearity, Information and Robotics».
A conference entitled "Summer School of Robotics - 2022", organized by the Sirius University with the assistance of the state corporation “Rosatom” and the Ural Mathematical Center, was held from June 28 to July 12 in the federal territory “Sirius” .
A scientific conference on control theory and mathematical modeling (СТММ-2022) will take place from June 13 (move-in day) through June 17 (departure day) 2022 at the Udmurt State University. It will be dedicated to the memory of Professor Nikolai Viktorovich Azbelev (1922–2006) and Professor Yevgenii Leonidovich Tonkov (1940–2014).
<p>The 8th International conference Geometry, Dynamics, Integrable Systems will be held at the students resort "Ratko Mitrovic" in Zlatibor, Serbia. It is dedicated to the memory of Professor Alexey Borisov, who was one of the co-founder and co-organizers of the GDIS conference series.</p>
The workshop of the Ishevsk Branch of the Ural Mathematical Center is being held to discuss the current results obtained by the researchers of the center and to plan further research.
The second international open scientific and technical festival of robotics “Kalashnikov-Technofest” has taken place. It was held in Izhevsk at several places: Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University, Private Educational Institute of Additional Education “Kalashnikov Academy” and Udmurt State University.
An international conference entitled "Winter School of Robotics" was held at the Sirius University from June 25 to February 6, 2022, for undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate students of Russian universities.
From December 8 to December 10, a course of lectures on the theory of dynamical systems was organized by the Ural Mathematical Center at the Udmurt State University. The lectures were delivered by invited leading scientists. In view of the unfavorable epidemiological situation, the lectures were held remotely via zoom.
From November 22 to December 3, an international conference entitled "Regular and Chaotic Dynamics" and dedicated to the memory of Alexey V. Borisov was held at the Steklov Mathematical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS).
The International Conference «Nonlinearity, Information and Robotics» is orientated towards academic and engineering experts in the multidisciplinary areas of Nonlinear sytems, Information technologies and Robotics with emphasis on both theory and applications.
The International Conference «Nonlinearity, Information and Robotics» is orientated towards academic and engineering experts in the multidisciplinary areas of Nonlinear sytems, Information technologies and Robotics with emphasis on both theory and applications.
2019 marks the 150<sup>th</sup> birthday of the famous Russian scientist Sergey A. Chaplygin (1869-1942), who made a great contribution to the development of mathematics and mechanics. Such terms as the Chaplygin method, Chaplygin gas, Chaplygin vortex, Chaplygin ball, Chaplygin sleigh, etc. are well known worldwide. On this occasion we are organizing the International Conference “ Scientific Heritage of Sergey A. Chaplygin: nonholonomic mechanics, vortex structures and hydrodynamics”.
This conference is orientated towards academic and engineering experts in nonlinear dynamics, nonholonomic mechanics, classical and applied mechanics, systems with friction, biomechanics and related fields, with the focus on the cutting-edge theoretical research and the interaction between theory and practice.
The main goal of the Workshop is to bring together specialists in mathematics and mathematical physics to exchange experience and knowledge about the recent developments in the field of Hamiltonian dynamics, nonholonomic mechanics and other related areas of science and to stimulate further research on these topics. Special attention will be given to application of the theories to practical problems and computer-aided analysis.
The purpose of the meeting is to build a bridge between two related, but weakly interacting nonholonomic theories: nonholonomic and vakonomic mechanics and, accordingly, nonholonomic and sub-Riemannian geometry.